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High School Testing Schedule
- PSSA ELA ~ April 23 (Module 1 - Morning Periods 1-3; Module 2 - Afternoon Periods 7-9)
April 24 (Module 3 - Morning Periods 1-3) - PSSA Math ~ April 29 (Module 1 - Morning Periods 1-3; Module 2 - Afternoon Periods 7-9)
- PSSA Science (8th Grade Only) ~ May 1 (Module 1 - Morning Periods 1-3; Module 2 - Afternoon Periods 7-9)
PSSA Frequently Asked Questions
- LITERATURE ~ Monday, May 12 & Tuesday, May 13
- BIOLOGY ~ Monday, May 19 & Tuesday, May 20
- ALGEBRA ~ Thursday, May 15 & Friday, May 16
- Southern Fulton School District
- Southern Fulton School District
- Southern Fulton School District
Instructions for accessing our Powerschool student grades and attendance system
Parents can click here to go to our PowerSchool system. You will need a username and password to access this information. If you do not know your username and password, please contact the building principal/secretary where your child is enrolled. If you have not already done so, you will need to create an account. On the Powerschool parent home page, click the Create Account tab then click the Create Account button. In the top area, fill in the appropriate information including your new username and password - these you create, they are not given to you by the district. Next, under Link Students to Account, enter the student's name and select your relationship to the student. For Access ID, enter the parent username (not the student's) that you previously used (usually ends in par). For Access Password, enter the password you previously used. If you get an error that it didn't work, try entering the Access Password either in all lowercase or all uppercase. It is suggested that you do this for one child then login with your new account information and link any additional children you may have
- Southern Fulton Elementary School
- Southern Fulton Jr/Sr High School
- Southern Fulton School District